Friday, October 8, 2010

The Blog Title Becomes Reality!

It's been a long wait, but the Martins are finally reunited! Firstly, it's important to credit my wife with braving two flights with a 4-year-old and 2-month old spanning half the globe by herself. Not duty I would volunteer for and, even though she's still exhausted from it, she pulled it off without a hitch. Anyway, onto some moments from their first couple of days here...

Nothing like an excited 4-year-old to see you at the airport for the first time in about 2 months:

Shane has filled out, growing more substantial and becoming much more alert than when I last saw him:

It's also readily apparent that Share loves his big sister and vice versa:

On one of our first outings onto the streets of Bangkok, Eliana enjoyed some fresh coconut:

Meanwhile, I admired Shane's prodigious hairline:

Finally, here's a little video that ably shows how excited Shane gets about things spinning above him (guess who he gets the involuntary arm and leg spasms from? me!):

Fortuitously, their first weekend here in a 3-day weekend thanks to ol' Columbus. Looking forward to showing them around the next few days and getting to spend some quality time with all of them.


  1. Ridiculously cute! I loved that.

  2. Hi Izaak, Hello from the McFarlane's! Anne passed your blog on to us and I've really enjoyed reading it and seeing your photos.

    I'm looking forward to knowing more about your experiences in Thailand!

    Take care and my best to your family!

  3. Happy to hear everyone arrived safely! That shot of Eliana drinking the coconut juice is awesome....
